Serial Deduction No. 1, 2016
Polymethyl methacrylate panel, industrial screws, detergent and pork casings
150 x 150 cm

Preresolution No. 5, 2016
Broken panel of Polymethyl methacrylate, industrial screws, 3D-printed screws (ABS), wall plugs and wall dust
150 x 100 cm

Performing Attachments, 2014 - on going
Wall plugs and screws 3D

Exhibition views "What's Up Glitches" (2016) at Area 60, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes.
Artists: Javi Corzo, Alby Alamo, Ricardo Trigo. Curated by Nestor Delgado. Photos by Teresa Arocena.
More info: aqnb